ME, YOU, US the Spanish-Turkish movie Project - WEB DESIGN

ME, YOU, US is a Spanish-Turkish shortfilm about the control of the mass media in the world.
For more info go to the website:

ME, YOU, US es un cotrometraje Turco-Español sobre el control de los medios de comunicación en el mundo.
Para mas información ve a la página web:


UNDERLINE editorial - diseño imagen corporativa

Corporate image design for the company UNDERLINE editorial, a publisher of books for children.

Diseño de la imagen corporativa para UNDERLINE editorial, una editorial de libros para niños.

UNDERLINE editorial, corporate image.

UNDERLINE editorial, mail.

UNDERLINE editorial, notebook front cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, notebook back cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, CD front cover & stick.

UNDERLINE editorial, CD back cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, pencil right & left hand.

UNDERLINE editorial, pencil design.

UNDERLINE editorial, logo stick.

UNDERLINE editorial, stick boy & girl.

UNDERLINE editorial, bookmark.

UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.

UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.

UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.

UNDERLINE editorial
Cargado originalmente por pistocasero


UNDERLINE editorial

UNDERLINE editorial
Cargado originalmente por pistocasero
Corporate image design for the company UNDERLINE editorial, a publisher of books for children.

Diseño de la imagen corporativa para UNDERLINE editorial, una editorial de libros para niños.

Religión, to lo tocas to lo rompes

Religion, everything you touch you break it all.

Stop Motion III. Micrometraje from my room.

Stop Motion III. Micrometraje from my room. / Micrometraje desde mi habitación.

Experimental cinema-photography-videoart work. / Trabajo experimental de cine, fotografía y vídeoarte.
1000 pictures. / 1000 fotografías.

Script, direction, photography, realization and performance:
Gilberto Moya Perona

Berta Escobar Ramos
Gilberto Moya Perona

Akdeniz University.
Güzel Sanatlar / Fine Arts / Bellas Artes
Antalya, Turkey.
Erasmus. Spain. España. 2009.

Location: / Localización: Antalya, Turquía.

Cámara: Canon EOS Rebel XT

You can see more Stop Motion videos in my Flickr web page:
