Corporate image design for the company UNDERLINE editorial, a publisher of books for children. Diseño de la imagen corporativa para UNDERLINE editorial, una editorial de libros para niños.
UNDERLINE editorial, corporate image.

UNDERLINE editorial, mail.

UNDERLINE editorial, notebook front cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, notebook back cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, CD front cover & stick.

UNDERLINE editorial, CD back cover.

UNDERLINE editorial, pencil right & left hand.

UNDERLINE editorial, pencil design.

UNDERLINE editorial, logo stick.
UNDERLINE editorial, stick boy & girl.
UNDERLINE editorial, bookmark.
UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.
UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.
UNDERLINE editorial, stick for children notebook.UNDERLINE editorialCargado originalmente por pistocasero.